Marie, Jascha and Björn are deaf. They attend a regular grammar school and take lessons with hearing pupils. There are interpreters in the classroom to help the deaf pupils to follow the lessons. How do these kids cope? How do their hearing classmates react? Is this a form of integration?
Doof, nou en! (EN) from ZieZo/Wieberdink on Vimeo.
- Short version with Marie as main character and English subtitles:
director: Ange Wieberdink
research: Anja Hiddinga & Ange Wieberdink
camera: Claire Pijman, Mies Rogmans, Brigit Hillenius
interpretation Dutch sign language: Belinda Dolman, Erika Zeegers
sound: Ludo Keeris
editing: Jessica de Koning
sound-editing: Marc Lizier, KLINK
photography: Johannes Abeling
graphic design: Harmine Louwe
length: 50 minutes
copyright Stichting ZieZo, 2004